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Who Was Steve Jobs? by Pam Pollack and Meg Belviso, Illustrated by John O'Brien, Grades 3 to 6

The latest book from an incredible bibliographical series for 3rd to 6th graders, Who Was Steve Jobs?, gives insight into the greatest visionary of our time. Revealing fascinating personal facts about Steve Jobs and providing a historical perspective of his role in the creation of the home computer industry, this biography delivers it all. The book goes into detail about his challenges of balancing his career and family, struggles trying relating to his employees and even his last words before he passed away. This is an extremely relevant and well-written book for every tween reader. The bibliographical series is called the "Who Was Series". Many notable figures throughout history have been featured with their own book. Each book in the series is only $4.99 and makes for a great collection!
Grades 3 to 6