The story begins with the owner of the cat as the narrator. In hopes of its' return, he staggers the streets listing the many desirable attributes his cat possesses.
"Prim and proud. Enjoys a crowd. Sits in laps when he's allowed." The owner of the cat waltzes around town spreading the news and hanging "Lost Cat" flyers on every building space.
But out of nowhere, the tables are turned. Half way through the story, the narrator switches from the owner of the cat to the angry chef who found the cat.
"Swiped my dinner. Knocked me flat. Someone please COME GET THIS CAT!"
Join the owner and irritated cook on this amusing adventure. The rhyming throughout is catchy and sure to keep the kids reaching for the next page. Especially once they catch a glimpse of the colorful and witty lost cat.
Hardcover, 32 pages.
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