Support and Social Groups for Parents

CT Moms Online
An online group designed for Connecticut Moms, focusing on direct communication between Moms via our Online forums. Members discuss everything from pediatrician and contractor recommendations to local events and happenings as well as general parenting and other topics relating to us as women, mothers, wives, employees, residents and dozens of ...READ MORE

MOMS Club of Old Lyme-Old Saybrook
The MOMS Club of Old Lyme-Old Saybrook is a non-profit organization that supports the stay-at-home mom and offers playgroups, nights out for mom, community service projects, and events for the entire family for the towns of Old Lyme, Old Saybrook, Westbrook & Lyme. Please see or email for ...READ MORE

Mom to Mom at Griffin Hospital
Mom to Mom is a facilitated support and social group for new and expectant mothers and their infants up to one year. Each meeting features a topic relevant to new motherhood and is followed by an hour-long play group. Meets every Tuesday from 10:00 AM - Noon. ...READ MORE

CT's No Drama Mammas & Pappas of Fairfield County!
We are Fairfield County's newest & largest Family Network focusing on Growing as Parents, Raising our Children and providing a glimpse into what's to do in Fairfield County! Network with hundreds of families, attend thousands of events (both public and private), read 100% parent-authored publications & reviews, participate in forums ...READ MORE

Nursing Moms - Griffin Hospital
Nursing Moms Support Group is facilitated by a board-certified lactation consultant and is open to any woman who is breastfeeding her child. Meets the fourth Tuesday of each month from 7:00 -9:00 PM. ...READ MORE

Wallingford VNA Support Groups
Wallingford VNA offers Hispanic Mother's Support Group, Grandparents as Parents Supports Group (GAPS), and occasional support group for mothers of infants and toddlers. ...READ MORE

Women & Family Life Center
The Women & Family Life Center, a nonprofit organization, helps women and families meet the challenges of daily living and personal development through education, enrichment, support and referral services. WFLC serves parents of young children (pre-K), individuals who are divorcing, separating or experiencing domestic violence, pre-teen and teen-age youth and ...READ MORE

Talk About Curing Autism (TACA)
Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) Connecticut Chapter: TACA CT aims to support families affected by Autism by hosting educational meetings on various topics, informal coffee talks and fun family outings. TACA CT will provide a supportive community as well as information on a wide range of treatments and programs so ...READ MORE

Net Family News
A nonprofit public service providing a forum and "kid-tech news" for parents and educators. Based on the premise that informed, engaged parenting is essential to kids' constructive use of technology and the Net. ...READ MORE

Hygeia Foundation
The Hygeia Foundation is an international community of compassion, empathy and support for families who have endured the tragedy of miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal / infant loss. The local organization provides support, education, and counseling to families who grieve the loss of a pregnancy or newborn. ...READ MORE

La Leche League of CT
La Leche League is an international, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization dedicated to providing support, encouragement, information, and education to women who want to breastfeed. All women interested in breastfeeding are encouraged to attend Group meetings or to call a Leader for breastfeeding help. ...READ MORE

CT Newcomers Club
A directory of clubs and organizations in Connecticut which are designed to give people new to the area the opportunity to meet and develop friendships with others. ...READ MORE

Holistic Moms Network
National non-profit organization connecting parents who are interested in holistic health and green living. We encourage moms to trust their instincts, parent from the heart, use their innate sense of what is best for their children, live in balance with the Earth, and learn about the pros and cons of all ...READ MORE

Southbury Women's Club
Southbury Women's Club is a group of women with different backgrounds and varied interests who combine their time, talents and energy for the purpose of enriching their community. We organize events for fundraising and community service to benefit local charities. The Fall Fine Arts Festival including face painting and crafts, the ...READ MORE