New York Times #1 Bestseller
This is a loving story addressing the topic of separation anxiety when it comes to parents and their precious children. This change is hard to grasp as a child but this book does the perfect job in helping them overcome it.
Chester, a little raccoon is forced to go to school for the first time. Scared to leave Mommy Raccoon, he is extremely hesitant. That is, until Mommy Raccoon fills Chester in on a little family secret that has been handed down for generations... The Kissing Hand.
Read along with your young one to assure you will be there, in person and in spirit, whenever he/ she are in need. This is a wonderful story choice to prepare your little one for the first day of school. Yes, it is all a little overwhelming at first, but with help from The Kissing Hand, he'll be in tip top shape.
Exquisite illustrations covering every eye catching page from start to finish.
Hardcover, 32 pages.
I highly recommend this!!